

The overall objective of this project is to end hunger in the world, no one will die from lack of food for not having money to stock. Provide each person pursues an electronic equity, managed by the World Bank for the purchase of staple food.

As a specific purpose, as for filing any UN project must be sponsored by a Member State, is to create a platform that promotes a Popular Initiative ( IP ) according to the Spanish Constitution requires, in Article 87.3 ff and regulatory law (Act No. 3 Organic 1984) on popular initiatives of 500,000 signatures accredited citizens, and present the initiative to parliament for a vote and present at the UN with the intention that they discuss and passing runs .


Other goals are to revive the economy as a result of implementing electronic money for sustainable survival, pacify society, reduce theft and achieve greater security.

It also aims to develop objective welfare society in the countries where it does not exist or is deficient and sustain existing in developed societies ( building hospitals, schools, social housing ...) and cover the cost of the relief effort by natural disasters or displaced by war.

To achieve the objectives described first be given a change of mind, so also consider this fact as a specific objective.